Volleyball game: Sacred Heart v's Nettle at Nettle. Boys play first
Hybrid School Committee Special Meeting Agenda 04.04.22 (2) City Clerk Posting with agenda Hybrid Special Meeting 04.04.22.docx
Volleyball game: Nettle v's Consentino at Consentino. Girls paly first
City Clerk Posting Finance Subcommittee 04.06.22
Meeting postings and agendas will be posted closer to each meeting date. Agenda-CSBC_2022-0407 (4) City Clerk Posting Consentino School Building Committee 04.07.22
Volleyball Game: Nettle v's Whittier at Whittier. Boys play first
In the Cafeteria
City Clerk Posting Executive Session Negotiating Session SEIU Custodians 04.11.22 and 05.02.22
Meeting postings and agendas will be published closer to meeting date.